Hello? This Is Your ‘Happy Pill’ Calling (Ode to Teachers)

This next video is my new “happy pill” and I won’t go to sleep until I’ve watched it. It’s the perfect blend of everything good in the world. First, there’s Adele. Period. No other words necessary on that topic.

see below for the video

Next is Jimmy Fallon. This guy has kept me strong during quarantine. I don’t understand why because I’ve never watched his show before. No offence to him because I’m just not into late nite talk shows of any kind. But somehow, he was just what we needed when the world shut down. And now, I’m one of his biggest fans.

Thirdly, there’s the band. The Roots. Jimmy Fallon is a genius for choosing them as in-house band for The Tonight Show. You may remember them from the popular song “The Seed” back in 2009. It’s crazy good! I’ll try to find it on YouTube and post below so you can enjoy the vibe.

But for now, I give you Adele singing “Hello” while Jimmy Fallon and The Roots provide backup with classroom instruments. Hence, the Ode to Teachers. They are the brave souls moving forward without a handbook so we can all open up the economy again. Please be kind to them. It’s a tough job, especially now. No kidding. Please please please show teachers some love and respect!

Jimmy Fallon, Adele & The Roots Sing “Hello” (w/Classroom Instruments)

YouTube channel for
“The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon”

As promised, here’s the video of The Roots featuring Cody ChesnuTT. It’s the clean version. So you can relax about little ears and just enjoy the beats!

The Roots – The Seed (2.0) ft. Cody ChesnuTT (2009)

Check out The Roots channel on YouTube

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